Nichola D. Gutgold

Dr. Nichola D. Gutgold


Nichola D. Gutgold is an award-winning professor, speaker, communication coach, author, of more than dozen best-selling books, and internationally recognized scholar on women’s public speaking.

Dr. Gutgold believes we all can speak up and speak well, and she motivates and educates her audiences of all ages with her passionate presentations.

Her research has been featured on NPR, CNN and in the New York Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, US News & World Report, the Los Angeles Times, and many international press outlets.

Dr. Gutgold travels the globe sharing her passionate messages…she would love to share them with you! 

"This author's book is a "must read" for history and political science students..."
PrAISE FOR Almost Madam President
"Read it with my son and, as an attorney and member of the Bar of the United States Supreme Court, even I learned some things.."
Amazon Customer
PRAISE FOR Growing Up Supremely
"Ms. Gutgold's characters are fully developed with both humor and depth.."
I. Hunter
Praise For Just Like You

About Nichola

Hello! Thanks for visiting my website! I’m Nichola Gutgold, a professor and author. I’ve always been inspired by people who overcome obstacles to be successful, and much of my research reflects that interest. I’ve had the honor of meeting and writing about women Supreme Court justices, women heads of state, notable women in broadcasting, women who have run for political office — and even the United States presidency. My latest book, THE PUBLIC SPEAKING HANDBOOK FOR WOMEN (Cognella, 2026) is a culmination of more than thirty years of teaching and research and I’m excited to share it! Click Here for a sneak peak.


I offer one-on-one positive, results-driven communication coaching.  Whether for one speech or a three to six month program, contact me for your custom needs.


I enjoy speaking in public and sharing my research, as well as motivational messages, such as my latest research on women running for president that analyzes progress of women in politics. Please email me if you are interested in having me present to your group!

Other topics include:
  • Speaking Up and Speaking Well
  • From the Town Square to TED Talks
  • Women of Excellence
  • Communicating Effectively in Meetings 
  • How Women Run To Win Political Office
  • Who are the Greatest Orators of All Time?  Maybe YOU?
  • FAIL means First Attempt in Learning – How to turn a setback into a leap forward

Featured Around the Web

Nichola D. Gutgold featured on Katie Couric media:

Also Featured in


  • Penn State Alumni Association Teaching Fellow Award
  • PA Woman of Distinction
  • BW Nice Woman of the Year
  • Traveled to all 50 states and traveled to 6 of 7 continents
Nichola Gutgold325

"Nichola Gutgold not only writes fascinating books…she delivers the research in lively, engaging presentations!"
-R. Mendelson

Newest release - Out now

Electing Madam Vice President: When Women Run, Women Win

Electing Madam Vice President presents the presidential bids of the six women who ran for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in 2020 and the historic, groundbreaking vice-presidential candidacy of Kamala Harris. When Vice President Kamala Harris and her family moved into Number One Observatory Circle…

Upcoming release - Sneak Peak


Introduction:  Why you need to speak up and speak well

1. Speak with a Powerful Voice

Your voice is your instrument that communicates your thoughts and beliefs.  How your voice works, and what you can do to bring it to its full potential, is the focus of this chapter.

This is especially important for women so we can literally be heard, and we sound as resonant and distinctive as possible, while retaining all the unique qualities of our one-of-a-kind distinctive voice.  Using your voice as powerfully as possible is key to speaking up and speaking well. 


2. Use Powerful Language

Words matter, and using language to your fullest advantage will give your messages resonance and impact. In this chapter you will embrace using language to its full advantage.  We can adopt stronger, more vivid language that will increase the understanding of our message.  Saying what you really believe in a way that is both compassionate and strong is key, as well as being able to call up that word when you need it and paint a word picture for your audience will make you a better, more exciting speaker.


3. Make the Most of Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is said to be more honest (at least sometimes) than verbal communication.  Can YOU remember a time when you asked someone how they are doing and even though they said “great!” their sad expression made you believe otherwise?  How we look–from our facial expressions to our choice of clothing, to the pace with which we step up to the podium speaks volumes about us, and can greatly impact our message. Remember, we often see a speaker before we hear her.  This chapter will guide you to make the right impression before you even open your mouth!


4. Accentuate Your Achievements

Learning to own what you’ve accomplished is key to your overall effectiveness as a communicator.  Women often downplay our own path to success and even shrug off the hard work needed to achieve our goals for fear we will sound immodest. In this chapter you are reminded that your success has been hard earned and sharing that is part of who you are.  Remember, your audience wants you to succeed!  When you go out there and shine your light and thrive, it gives others permission to do the same thing.  So don’t shy away from sharing your credentials and achievements because you have worked hard for them, and they lift up not only you but all who see and hear your confidence and pride in sharing them.


5. Your Audience Is (Almost) Everything

If someone wanted to know *the* most important part of effective communication, without hesitation I would urge know your audience because your audience is even more important than you are.  That might sound hard to believe, but it’s true, and in this chapter, you will find out why being audience focused is crucial for your success.  Why did they come to hear YOU?  What are they hoping to gain for themselves?  What are their life experiences that have brought them to this moment in time?  What do they know about the topic and you?  These are all crucial questions that you need to answer before you even begin to prepare your first word.


6. Organize Your Way to Excellence

 A message can only be received if it is delivered in a way that is understandable to the audience.  Having effective organizational patterns are key to shaping your ideas into powerful messages. Think of organizing your speech as a map so that you get where you are going.  This chapter reminds you that your audience wants to be able to follow you easily and completely and by staying on course you create not only understanding, but more credibility for yourself as a speaker.


7. Be Authentically YOU in Person and Online

So many people try to be like someone they are not because they think it is more acceptable or impressive.  There is no one like you, and the world needs unique contributors. No one else has exactly your story to tell, in the way that only you can tell it.  You have heard the phrase “be yourself because everyone else is taken” and no truer is that than when you are communicating who you are both in person and online.     


8. Prepare and Practice to Tame Stage Fright and to Continue to Improve

For some people the thought of standing up and speaking in front of any sized group is terrifying.  This is even true for some seasoned performers, and actors who make their living in front of others.  The big difference is that when they are acting, they are someone else, and when they are speaking in front of an audience, they are themselves–exposed, no character to hide behind.  If just reading this is giving you pause about speaking, in this chapter you will learn that there is a lot  you can do to help yourself through preparation.  Even a little preparation and practice is better than winging it, and a lot of preparation and practice will make you a highly successful speaker, even if you are nervous, and maybe even because you are nervous.  


9. Speak up in Meetings

For so many reasons, some women, even with their excellent education and position, seem to get quiet during meetings.  Whether it is because of an alpha male environment that keeps some women in their place, strange or competitive team dynamics, a workplace culture of backlash or just a personal lack of confidence in sharing your ideas, it is worth reflecting on the reasons why you be holding back from sharing your ideas and contributing to meetings in your organization.   IN this chapter you will learn strategize to gain the confidence to let your good ideas be heard.


9. Own Your Future

  Next, please!  Press on!  The goal is for you to be inspired to communicate anew by this book!  Nothing is more thrilling than a person who is excited for the next opportunity, chapter, challenge.  Volunteer! Raise your hand! Make that Instagram reel!  This is your time to speak up and speak well.

Published Media

Nichola's Works

Books available from leading book stores and amazon. To discover Dr. Gutgold’s books, click below.

Electing Madam Vice President: When Women Run, Women Win

Electing Madam Vice President presents the presidential bids of the six women who ran for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States in 2020 and the historic, groundbreaking vice-presidential candidacy of Kamala Harris. When Vice President Kamala Harris and her family moved into Number One Observatory Circle…

Still Paving the Way for Madam President

When Madam President moves into the Oval Office of the White House, she will share a path that several women have helped to pave. Often left off the history pages—and out of the minds of many Americans—are the presidential bids of several women: Margaret Chase Smith, 1964; Shirley Chisholm, 1972; Patricia Schroeder,1988; Elizabeth Dole, 2000; Carol Moseley Braun 2004; and Hillary Clinton, 2008/ 2016…

Just Like You: A Novel

Successful Golden Day Bridal Salon owner and TV style expert Stacey Falesh-Gutton is proud of the life she built. She and her kindhearted, hardworking husband Grant have two great teenagers, and careers carved out of grit and gumption. Still, something seems off. Could it be the unrelenting memory of her own good parents who sacrificed so much to give her a good life but died before they could meet their grandchildren? Whatever it is, as she juggles her roles as a mom, business owner, and tv star, she is obsessed with mortality as she battles a secret..

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